martes, 16 de octubre de 2007

Algunos Trucos

Recuerdo ahora que cuando creo que tengo instalado algún virus en mi pc y no tengo ningún software a la mano, jeje casi nunca es asi, porque ando con mi usb, pero mas de alguna vez la habré dejado en la casa; no obstante simplemente pueden hacerlo tipeando unos comandos en el DOS:

Ir a Inicio

Escribir cmd
" cd.. ->presionar enter
" cd.. ->presionar enter
" cd windows ->presionar enter
" cd system32 ->presionar enter
" cd setup -> presionar enter

Luego si ves el siguiente mensaje:
"Para instalar y configurar los componentes del sistema utilice el Panel de Control", entonces el 99% de los casos puedes estar seguro que no tienes virus instalado en tu pc.

How to open the cmd when it is blocked by your administrator
u have many ways to do that...let's begin with the first one:

1) Open the calculator and click on help > help topics. When the help window opens right next to where it says 'calculator' ( top left corner ) there is a ' ? ' symbol , right click on it and select jump to URL and put this;


and then click open. Magic the cmd opens automatically.
If your calculator is blocked you can do the same in any of the windows XP games;
- Free Cell.
- Hearts.
- Internet Backgammon.
- " " Checkers.
- " " Hearts.
- " " Reversi.
- " " Spades.
- Solitaire.
- Pinball.
- Minesweeper.
- Spider Solitaire.

2) Using the same text as above:
You can open Excel and create a HYPERLINK with the this text, click OK and then click in the link in the excel cell. Click OK in both windows that will pop up and the command prompt will open.
This thing only works with Microsoft Office, it is tested with Openoffice and it does not work.

3) open notepad, and type cmd.exe

save it as anynamehere.bat

and click that bat file, and bam, you have cmd....

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